Date: Sun, 13 Oct 1996 09:45:20 -0400 (EDT) From: DragonTear Humor List Listen up! Shawn, T, and other Aaron...This could be you ;) (I'll get irc working, hopefully soon :) ) From: Laurie Swenson ___________________________________________________________________________ THEY'RE COMING TO TAKE /ME AWAY, HAHA ___________________________________________________________________________ IRC USERS: Ever catch yourself saying "re" to someone who re-enters a room? How about typing /me in an email? Or thinking ... /me doesn't care ... when someone is telling you something boring, but picturing the /me as your irc nick? Do you find yourself typing ROTFLMAO in letters to people who would have no idea what that means? Or typing btw in a busines letter? Do people stare at you oddly when you tell them, "Oh, just call me SuperNova - all my real friends do"? Do you worry about using up your unlimited hours? Have you started to talk in the third person? ******************************************************************************** You may be a candidate for the IRCASYLUM, in which case you should be prepared for what might happen if you are committed. What does the IRCAsylum do to the totally addicted and disoriented IRCer? Well, the first thing is obvious. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR COMPUTER. It will be wrenched from your shaking hands as you beg for one more DCC with PookyBell or just five minutes in HappyChat. Try to stash one somewhere, perhaps a laptop cleverly disguised as a shaving kit. Or get someone on the outside to smuggle you one in. Fellow patients will bow down before you and call you IRCGod(dess). They will also try to get you to *gasp* talk out loud to your fellow ircers. Don't do it. Save your thoughts for free time when you're outside, then scratch /msgs in the dirt with sticks. It's going to be hard enough to have to deal with SEEING all these people in person, much less hearing all their voices all at once in a conversation. What would you do with your hands???? You will also be taken on "field trips," where you will be introduced to the things that non-ircers do in their spare time at home. You will see people eating, sleeping, cleaning, playing Monopoly, paying bills, balancing their checkbooks, watching television, having conversations. You will argue that you did those things; the doctors will agree, but will point out that the people on the field trips do them without an /away message. If the doctors are successful, you will walk out of the IRCAslyum with a new lease on life. You will no longer turn into a mass of nerves when the phone goes dead or shake from withdrawal when you go camping for a weekend. You will learn to use your computer for things like balancing your checkbook, writing reports and playing Tetris. You will email companies instead of PookyBell. You will rediscover the concept of sleep. But if you LIKE talking to PookyBell and want to continue your friendships with the folks in HappyChat, you need to fool the doctors. Practice using a bland face when talking about your past experiences on the net; refer to that time as your "other life." Reach deep inside you and find the courage to talk to your fellow ircers in group therapy ... pretend it's Freetel. Write in complete sentences without IRC acronyms; use phrases like "be right back" often. Laugh out loud. Roll on the floor while doing it. Look genuine. If you're lucky, you'll emerge unscathed, but be careful. Whoever committed you in the first place may do so again, so hide your addiction. Use a privacy screen on the computer; hide your irc client's window with something innocuous like Word for Windows when people walk by. If you do get caught, remind the person that you only irc about once a week now. If you get caught every day, remind the person that you only irc a few minutes every day, just to keep in touch. If you get caught hour after hour, consider using that laptop and hiding it way in the back of the bathroom towels in the linen closet. Bathe a lot. ******************************************************************************** The DragonTears Humor List!