Introduction to Pattern Recognition
Sargur Srihari Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University at Buffalo

This is the website for a course on pattern recognition as taught in a first year graduate course (CSE555). The material presented here is complete enough so that it can also serve as a tutorial on the topic.

Pattern recognition techniques are concerned with the theory and algorithms of putting abstract objects, e.g., measurements made on physical objects, into categories. Typically the categories are assumed to be known in advance, although there are techniques to learn the categories (clustering). Methods of pattern recognition are useful in many applications such as information retrieval, data mining, document image analysis and recognition, computational linguistics, forensics, biometrics and bioinformatics. You may find the websites of related courses that I teach on Data Mining and Machine Learning useful as supplementary material.

Much of the topics concern statistical classification methods. They include generative methods such as those based on Bayes decision theory and related techniques of parameter estimation and density estimation. Next come discriminative methods such as nearest-neighbor classification, support vector machines. Artificial neural networks, classifier combination and clustering are other major components of pattern recognition.

A course in probability is helpful as a pre-requisite.

Applications of pattern recognition techniques are demonstrated by projects in fingerprint recognition, handwriting recognition and handwriting verification.

Reference Textbooks:
(i) Pattern Classification (2nd. Edition) by R. O. Duda, P. E. Hart and D. Stork, Wiley 2002,
(ii) Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by C. Bishop, Springer 2006, and
(iii) Statistics and the Evaluation of Evidence for Forensic Scientists by C. Aitken and F. Taroni, Wiley, 2004.


Following are the lecture overheads used in class as pdf files.
The lectures slides are frequently updated. This course was last taught in Spring 2007.

  1. Introduction
  2. Bayes Decision Theory
    1. Bayes Decision Rule
    2. Minimum Error Rate Classification
    3. Normal Density and Discriminant Functions
    4. Error Integrals and Bounds
    5. Bayesian Networks, Compound Decision Theory
  3. Generative Methods
    1. Maximum-Likelihood and Bayesian Parameter Estimation
      1. Maximum-Likelihood Estimation
      2. Bayesian Parameter Estimation
      3. Sufficient Statistics
      4. Some Common Statistical Distributions
      5. Dimensionality and Computational Complexity
      6. Principal Components Analysis
      7. Fisher Linear Discriminant
      8. Expectation Maximization
      9. Sequential Data and Hidden Markov Models
    2. Nonparametric Techniques
      1. Density Estimation
  4. Discriminative Methods
    1. Distance-based Methods
      1. Nearest neighbor Classification
      2. Metrics and Tangent Distance
      3. Fuzzy Classification
    2. Linear Discriminant Functions
      1. Hyperplane Geometry
      2. Gradient Descent and Perceptrons
      3. Minimum Squared Error Procedures
      4. Support Vector Machines
    3. Artificial Neural Networks
      1. Biological Motivation and Back-Propagation
  • Non-Metric Methods
    1. Recognition with Strings
    2. String Matching
  • Algorithm-Independent Machine Learning
    1. No-Free Lunch Theorem
    2. Bias and Variance
    3. Resampling for Estimation
    4. Bagging and Boosting
    5. Estimation of Misclassification
    6. Classifier Combination
  • Unsupervised Learning and Clustering
    1. Unsupervised Learning and Clustering
  • Appendix
    1. Normal Distribution
    2. Statistical Tests
    Examinations (Closed Book)
    1. Mid-Term
      1. 2006

      2. 2007

      3. 2006 Solutions

      4. 2007 Solutions

    2. Final

    1. Project1: Fingerprint Pattern Recognition

    2. Project2: Arabic Handwritten Word Recognition

    3. Project3: Writing Style Classification using SVM and Fisher Linear Discriminant