Note: This program is not final and is subject to change.
If you are an author and would like to check which session you have been
assigned to,
this information is now available in the list of accepted papers.
Table of Contents
Program Overview, Sep 20-21, 1999
Program Overview, Sep 22 1999
Opening Session Mo-1
Sessions Mo-2A and Mo-2B (Multimedia Document Processing and Character Recognition)
Session Mo-2C (Document Image Processing I)
Poster Presentation Session Mo-3A (Applications, Check Forms & Music)
Poster Presentation Session Mo-3B (Document Image Processing, DAS, Electronic Documents, Document Segmentation)
Poster Presentation Session Mo-3B(cont'd)
Poster Presentation Session Mo-3C (Character Recognition, Classification, Handwritten Character Recognition)
Poster Presentation Session Mo-3C(cont'd)
Sessions Mo-4A and Mo-4B (Information Retrieval and Postal Automation)
Session Mon-4C (Font Recognition)
Plenary Session Tu-1
Sessions Tu-2A and Tu-2B (Document Analysis Systems and Panel I: Postal Address Interpretation)
Session Tu-2C (Classification)
Sessions Tu-3A and Tu-3B (OCR for Indian Languages and Handwriting Recognition I)
Session Tu-3C (Performance Evaluation)
Sessions Tu-4A and Tu-4B (Graphics Recognition and Oriental Character Recognition)
Session Tu-4C (Checks, Forms and Music)
Sessions We-1A and We-1B (Panel II:
Multimedia Indexing & Retrieval and Word Recognition)
Session We-1C (Document Segmentation)
Sessions We-2A and We-2B (Electronic Documents and Handwriting Recognition II)
Session We-2C (Document Image Processing II)
Poster Presentation Session We-3A (Oriental Character Recognition, OCR for Indian Languages)
Poster Presentation Session We-3B (Graphics Recognition, Information Retrieval, Multimedia and Performance Evaluation)
Poster Presentation Session We-3C (Handwriting Recognition, Postal Automation)
Poster Presentation Session We-3C(cont'd)
Sessions We-4B and We-4C (Handwritten Character Recognition and Panel III: Ground-Truthing: Synthetic or Real Data?)
Please contact Ranga
Setlur if you have any questions regarding the program.