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CSE635: Multimedia Information Retrieval
Text Processing Framework:Projects

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The ultimate goal of the projects described here is to build a framework for processing text documents. This includes text retrieval, classification, and summarization. The framework concentrates on indexing and retrieval(IR) of text documents with capabilities to support other text processing challenges. The IR related capabilities of the framework is described here.

1 The Framework

The input for text IR includes the data collection and user queries. For each user query, the IR system outputs a ranked list of documents in the data collection. The entities and their interactions in the framework(relevant to the project) is given in figure 1

The projects involve designing and developing one of the following modules:

  1. Collection Module
  2. Indexing and Retrieval Module
  3. Query Processing Module
  4. Information Presentation Module
The interactions between the modules are well defined. The projects are expected to be implemented in C++ Programming Language using Standard Template Libraries. Some class prototypes will be provided for the different modules. Adherence to the class specification will ensure efficient integration of the framework.

The objectives of the modules with some details of the interactions between them is given below.

1.1 Experiment Manager

A user describes the IR experiment in the form of a configuration( .cfg) file. This identifies the location of the data collection and the parameter settings of the modules. The Experiment Manager manager participates in both indexing and retrieval phases. It sets up the various modules and moderates the experiment as defined in the configuration file. It is expected to provide an interface for other modules to access the configuration of the experiment. If relevance judgements are available for some queries, then, the experiment manager can evaluate the results and generate standard IR metrics like, precision and recall. NOTE THAT THIS MODULE IS NOT OFFERED AS A PROJECT.

1.2 Collection

The collection module acts as an interface between the physical directories and files describing the document collection and the other modules in the framework. The document collection is described using the Collection Definition Language(CDL). This enables a user to identify the directories and files contained in the collection, describe the document format and state the rules for processing the text documents. The syntax of CDL will be given separately. The collection module provides an interface for other modules to access the document collection and queries.

Project Requirements:

  1. Implement a flexible Collection Definition Language (CDL). An initial design will be given as the basis of the implementation. CDL will enable users to define a static or dynamic collection in a declarative way.
  2. Implement the API for the collection module. A set of C++ class prototypes will be given as the basis of the implementation.
  3. Demonstrate the use of the collection module by building an online search engine around one or more defined collections. A possible scenario is building a search engine for multiple online bookstore web page collections.
Possible Extensions:

  1. Design and implement a code generator for C++ from a CDL definition file.
  2. Extend CDL to model a collection in an SQL database.

1.3 Indexing and Retrieval

The IR module is the heart of the framework. The IR module is used in both indexing and retrieval phases. Hence, the IR module can be viewed to contain two sub-modules. One for indexing the data collection and another for retrieving documents based on user queries. During indexing, the IR module uses the Collection module to access the text documents. The index for the data collection is generated and stored in some user specified location. During retrieval, the IR module interacts with the Query Processing module(described below). For a given query, the IR module uses the index corresponding to a data collection to generate a ranked list of documents that are deemed ``relevant'' to the query.

Project Requirements:

  1. Implement a text indexing and retrieval technique. The testbed(described below) includes a simple vector space based IR module. The project can be on better terms selection techniques, implementing some IR techniques discussed in Chapter 2 of the textbook or anything novel.
  2. Implement the API for the IR module. The interface will be given in the form of C++ class prototypes.
  3. Integrate the IR module with the testbed. Your method should perform as well as, if not better than the IR module of the testbed.

1.4 Query Processing

The Query Processing(QP) module takes a complex user query and generate a retrieval plan to answer the query. The user query(), expressed in natural language or as a list of query terms, can be viewed as a function of query components Q1, Q2, .., Qn. For example, Q = Q1 V Q2 V ... V Qn. In this case, a plan to answer this query can be to perform retrieval based on queries Qi, for i = 1, 2, ..., n, and merging their results.

A sample query from TREC-8 Adhoc Task is given below:


<num> Number: 401

<title> foreign minorities, Germany

<desc> Description:

What language and cultural differences impede the integration of foreign minorities in Germany?

<narr> Narrative:

A relevant document will focus on the causes of the lack of integration in a significant way; that is, the mere mention of immigration difficulties is not relevant. Documents that discuss immigration problems unrelated to Germany are also not relevant.


The query processing module should identify the topics that are relevant to the query and retrieve documents based on these topics. Similarly, QP module should retrieve document based on the topics that are not relevant to the user query. Finally, a set difference operation on the set of retrieved documents gives a ranked list of documents for this user query.

Apart from generating the plan, the query processing module can perform query expansion or refinement. Query refinement can be performed using an online thesaurus like WordNet or by blind relevance feedback. Relevance feedback from users on the retrieved document for a query can used to improve query processing. In the absence of user defined relevance for queries, blind relevance feedback is used for query refinement. One assumes that the IR module does its work correctly and can consider the top, say, 10 documents retrieved by the IR module to be relevant to a query. The contents of these documents are used for query refinement. The refined query is given to the IR module and the retrieved documents are returned to the user as the results of his/her query.

Project Requirements:

  1. Implement a query planning module. The user query is expressed in natural language. The query processing module should translate this into a sequence of calls to the IR module, obtain the results and merge them.
  2. Implement a query expansion strategy.
  3. Implement the API for the QP module.

1.5 Presentation

Current search engines like Infoseek and Yahoo, present retrieval results as ranked list of documents. Some post processing of the retrieved documents can add value to the search results and help the user in query refinement. Different information presentation strategies can be explored. Some examples are, an hierarchical presentation of retrieved documents based some text classification strategy, a ranked list of documents with summary of the content of the documents.

While the information presentation is a significant part of this project, the user interface should include an interface for interactive querying of the system.

Project Requirements:

  1. Provide an interface to capture user queries.
  2. Design and implement an information extraction procedure(like, document clustering or summarization) on the ranked list of documents retrieved for a query. The information presentation should be different from a simple ranked list of documents.
Possible Extensions:

  1. Efficient query interfaces: (1) to enable users to express their information need in terms of weighted text queries(for example, What language and cultural differences impede the integration of foreign minorities in Germany? --- in this case the user is interested more in language than cultural differences by 70 to 30 ), (2) use previous retrieval results in query refinement.

2 The IR Testbed

Each module is a project in itself. The IR testbed will enable you to test your module. The test collection for the testbed will be a small part of TREC-8 data collection. The test collection includes queries and their relevance judgements. The IR module implements a vector space model with words appearing in the documents are used as index terms(some common words referred to as stopwords, e.g. is, the, are ignored). The QP module performs no more processing than reading the query from the collection and giving it to the IR module. The Experiment manager is configured to evaluate the retrieved results and output IR metrics to a file.