You are how you write 6/2/2002

Signatures have been used to verify identity for centuries. Now, scientists at the University at Buffalo have shown that your handwriting really is unique.

"We set out to answer on a scientific basis the question, "Is the handwriting of different individuals truly distinct?' said Sargur Srihari, distinguished professor in UB's Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

The answer is "yes," according to research funded under a grant from the National Institute of Justice.

UB's research team devised software to break down and examine 512 individual characteristics of handwriting, such as shape of stroke marks and the openings and closings of loops.

The system was able to identify the author of a document with 96 percent confidence - showing that individuals' writing styles vary widely, according to UB.

The research was cited in an April court decision in Pennsylvania allowing testimony from a handwriting expert, UB said.

Srihari is director of UB's Center of Excellence in Document Analysis and Recognition, which has helped the U.S. Post Office use machines to sort 70 percent of hand-addressed envelopes.