The State University at Buffalo will be established as the U.S. Postal Service's first "research center of excellence." it was announced.
The Center of Excellence in Document Analysis and Recognition will be designed to develop computer vision technologies that will make mail processing more efficient and benefit other industries.
Postmaster General Anthony M. Frank called the arrangement an innovative move to increase research and wxplore technologies that will benefit the mailing community and other industries.
"Reading poorly-written or typed addresses involves the same technology required to read poorly-written text," Mr. Frank said. "Banks and insurance and credit card firms, as well as many government agencies, have a need to read vast quantities of handwritten and machine-printed documents."
Once the desired equipment is perfected, he added, the Postal Service is expected to realize potential savings of between $230 and $250 million annually in processing costs for letter mail.
"Funding research through the center at the University of Buffalo will allow the Postal Service to gain the most mileage out of ratepayers' dollars because it will be able to apply to postal automation research results gained from other industries under contract with the center," Dr. Steven B. Sample, president of UB said.