Automate, automate, automate
Those are the words which rural carriers and other postal dept employees repeatedly hear and question how it will affect them, their work and achieve the estimated savings as part of the Postal Service's 5-year strategic plan.
The latest announcement to automate the mail is to design machines which can read handwritten letters with less than 1/2 percent margin of error.
Before 500 computer scientists attending the Fourth Advanced Technology Conference in Washington D.C., U.S. Postmaster General Anthony M. Frank announced that the USPS is negotiating with the State University of New York at Buffalo to establish the first "Research Center for Excellence" to develop computers that will read and understand poorly handwritten mail.
While machines now can read zip codes to help process the mail faster, PMG Frank said that the inability of machines to read handwritten mail is "unacceptable."
"The work now being done by Professor Srihari has already shown tremendous results. His computers can now read 75 percent of handwritten ZIP codes with less than a one percent error rate. That performance is about 25 percent better than any reported performance to date. Current postal equipment can only read about 5 percent." PMG Frank said.
He added, though, that "despite all of our automated equipment we must still relay on human beings to read the vast majority of mail with handwritten addresses representing 15 percent of the letter mailstream. That's totally unacceptable," Frank stated. "We believe the ability to read handwritten materials is essential for the full automation of the mailstream."
While the push is on to design machines which can read zip codes and now handwriting, the question is, how accurate are they?
PMG Frank raised that question and then answered it:
"Yes, it is true that with your expert assistance and guidance, we have designed, tested and deployed automated equipment that is moving us in the right direction. But do we really understand the full capabilities and potential capabilities of this equipment? Do we really know how accurately and how effectively the equipment is working? I wouldn't bet the mortgage on that scenario. I'm confident that we are deploying the right equipment, but I believe there are considerable 'unknowns' about the capabilities of that equipment." he said.
Based on that statement people might conclude that if there are considerable "unknowns" and even if the PMG "would not bet the mortgage on it," then why would the USPS even bother to spend money on developing a machine to read handwritten letters?
When told that current automation machines incorrectly read zip codes and cause mail to be sent to the wrong destination creating a delay in delivery. Professor Srihari acknowledged that he was aware of the problem. He simply replied that he and his team "are trying to achieve less than 1/2 percent margin of error."
"We are trying to get the machines to read a little more like humans," the professor from India said.
But as no two handprints are alike, so too no two writing styles are alike. Consequently, machines would need to attempt to be able to read an infinite number of handwriting styles. With an infinite number of styles, computers could never begin to have every style in its memory bank and the chances of achieving 1/2 percent margin of error are slim. So why spend the money on such machines, when today the human mind and eye of the carrier are able to decipher the often illegible handwriting and cryptic addresses.
It appears that relying on a machine for this sortation only creates double work and slower delivery time as carriers would have to ultimately identify the destination of those handwritten letters which come back because the machine would not correctly read them. Worse yet, letters which can't be deciphered at all by the machine might end up being pitched.
The University of Buffalo has conducted research for the U.S. Postal Service since 1985 through a series of competitively awarded contracts which in 1990 amounted to 52 million. The current negotiations build on these existing contract agreement while expanding the scope of the research. The proposed contract is scheduled to run for three years with an option for renewal.
Developments gained from the center are expected to be used to serve the Postal Service's corporate automation program to piece bar codes on all letter mail by 1995. Today's high-speed automated sorting equipment processes letters with typed addresses at a rate of 30,000 letters per hour and at a cost of $3 per thousand. The USPS compares this to hand sorting letters bearing handwritten and/or illegible addresses which cost $35 per thousand to sort at a rate of only 800 letters per hour.
According to the USPS only four percent of handwritten letters can be sorted by automation. Once the desired equipment is perfected, the potential savings are expected to be between $230 to $260 million annually in processing costs for letter mail.
President of the University at Buffalo Steven S. Sample remarked, " Funding research through the center at the University of Buffalo will allow the Postal Service to gain the most mileage out of ratepayers dollars, because it will be able to apply to postal automation research results gained from other industries under contract with the center."
PMG Frank noted, "Reading poorly-written or typed addresses involves the same technology required to read poorly-written text. Banks and Insurance and credit-card firms as well as many government agencies have a need to read vast quantities of handwritten and machine-printed documents."
What is the National Rural Letter Carriers Association's role in all of this? During this past year the NRLCA signed a memorandum of understanding with the USPS whereby both parties agree to jointly examine the methods and procedures associated with the automation efforts through the National Joint Steering Committee of QWL/EI and a joint Automation Task Force.
This memorandum which appeared in the July 21 Issue, states in part: "... the United States Postal Service USPS) and the National Rural Letter Carriers Association (NRLCA) agree to jointly examine the methods and procedures associated with the automation effort and advancements in manual casting equipment as they relate to the rural carrier evaluated compensation system. It will also be necessary to study the rural carrier's added or changed responsibilities and duties as a result of automation technological and mechanization change, including but not limited to compensation and the effect to the rural carrier's office and route functions.
"Therefore, effective with the signing of this Memorandum a joint Automation Task Force will be established at the national level to decide upon recommendations submitted by the NRLCA/USPS Quality of Work Life/ Employee Involvement(QWL/EI)National Joint Steering Committee (NJSC) regarding the above mentioned issues. The NJSC in an effort to provide a basis for fair, reasonable and equitable changes will take the lead in coordinating the identification, review and study of the relative issues, compilation of information and the development of recommendations to the Automation Task Force."
As of September 1, QWL/EI Regional Joint Steering Committee have submitted a consolidation of their input and that of the Division Joint Steering Committees on areas of concern and issues which need to be studied.
In addition, the USPS and NRLCA have submitted a list of the areas of concern and issues which would normally be addressed and studied under the provisions of Article 34 of the National Agreement.
As of September 25, the NJSC developed a list of concerns and issues from the sources listed above.
By utilizing mutually acceptable criteria and coordinating necessary studies, the NJSC will compile data and prepare recommendations to the Automation Task Force by April 15, 1991. The Automation Task Force will study the recommendations and reach a final decision by May 15, 1991 unless either date is extended by the Automation Task Force.
The NRLCA will publish highlights of the concerns expressed over automation through the QWL/EI Regional Joint Steering Committees in an upcoming issue of this magazine. Also, a series of articles explaining some of the technical aspects and language of automation will be run.
At this time, the NJSC is examining more closely a number of the concerns discovered over a automation such as how to handle flats coming off of automated equipment: sector segmented mail: accuracy of mail count coming off of automated equipment: 6 vs 8 inch shelf casing equipment: 5 vs 6 1/8 inch letter mail. These and other issues are currently being studied to determine the impact of automation on rural carrier functions. Issues related to street functions will be studied in a later phase.