
The U.S. Postal Service will establish its first "research center of excellence" at the State University of New York at Buffalo where it plans to develop computer vision.

Postal Service to study document analysis and recognition methods
Postmaster General Anthony Frank announced at the Fourth Advanced Technology Conference in Washington that the Postal Service is in negotiation with the SUNY-Buffalo to establish a Center of Excellence in Document Analysis and Recognition. He called the arrangement an innovative move to increase research and explore technologies that will benefit the mailing community and other industries.

Automation of mail processing is goal
The goal of the center, which will be under the direction of Sargur srihari, professor of computer science, will be to advance the "state--of-the-art" in document analysis and recognition by developing technologies that can be applied to the automation of mail processing. In addition to work producing mail machine of the future, the center will conduct basic research on projects for the Postal Service and other sponsoring agencies establish a visitor exchange program with other universities and laboratories in the U.S. and abroad, sponsor an annual international symposium and publish research results. A key focus of the center will be the rapid transfer of such technologies to government and industry.

SUNY Buffalo Computer Science Dept.
Sargur Srihari