Through rain, sleet, snow and dark of night computerized mail readers sort thousands of letters by zip code. But these readers can sort out only typewritten addresses. Computer scientists at the State University of New York at Buffalo are now programming computers to read handwritten zip codes--not an easy task given the poor quality of some people's handwriting.
The Buffalo computer is hooked up to a scanner which converts an image of the front of a handwritten envelope into thousands of tiny points. Dark points represent writing and light points represent the envelope background. The area with the most dark points is the address. Using probabilities the computer then determines the location of the zip code within the address. The probability is high that a zip code will appear on the bottom line of the address, either by itself or in the lower right-hand corner. The computer compares the patterns of dark points in these areas to patterns stored in its memory. The stored patterns represent a few thousand variations of each ten possible digits. After the computer finds a match for each digit the letter is sent on its way through the postal system.
But it takes the computer seven to eight minutes per envelope to complete its task.
And it cannot read the handwriting on one out of every four envelopes that it scans. The researchers are trying to cut down both the time spent and the number of rejections.
--Al Magazine