Present-day postal technology offers an interesting study for stamp collectors and postal historians alike. From another angle, sorting technology now under development for the US Postal Service may represent the next great leap of computer intelligence, and I am confident that stamp collectors will employ the technology as it becomes available.
This article introduces the collector to modern postal sorting technology, attempts to explain some of the interesting marks that postal processing leaves on covers, and hints at some of the technological spinoffs of current research that may benefit collectors.
Technology has been a part of philately since the beginning, from innovations that have brought improved papers, inks, glues, tagging methods, vending machines, sorters, cancelers, and self-adhesive stamps out of Automatic Teller Machines (ATMS). Yes, and those pretty 3-D holographic stamps, too. Technology has given stamp collectors much to learn about their dynamic hobby.
Sorting machines equipped with OCR (Optical Character Recognition) can read machine-printed ZIP codes, some handwritten ZIP codes, and postal barcodes. (A postal barcode is the numerical ZIP code represented in a more easily machine-readable form. It is printed as tall and short evenly spaced lines along the bottom face of an envelope.)
The barcode readers at grocery and video stores are technologically similar to the automated sorting equipment used by the post office. The machines interpret a pattern by use of complex scanning devices and computer analysis of reflected light. The newest automated sorting machines use OCR technology to read entire machine-printed addresses, including the street name.
Automated sorting machines are quicker than human operators, but there are limitations to their efficiency. Letters without a ZIP code need to have their town/state addresses reviewed and the appropriate code applied, and those personal letters to grandma's house, or to dad (or mom in the Arabian desert usually have a handwritten address. Handwritten characters have a wide variety of style, size, and flourishes (especially those letters addresses by little fingers).
Present OCR sorting equipment is able to read only a small percentage of handwritten addresses. Computer programs generally work with "yes" or "no," on and off states. Artificial intelligence (AI) programs have evolved to cover the middle ground, the grey area, where a situation is not completely defined. Since handwriting is so individualized, new software is using "fuzzy logic" to bridge the gap.
Fuzzy logic is the "maybe" of computer language. This approach to machine sorting approximates human reasoning on written addresses. Humans still handle these sorting challenges better than machines, but the machines are learning fast!
The vast majority of handwritten addresses must still be manually handled. An operator using a manual sorting machine reads the ZIP code, then pushes the appropriate numerical key, sending the letter into the designated mail zone bin. This equipment sorts each letter individually, and marks the flap-side of the processed mail with a colored mark consisting of usually one letter and number.
I am amazed at the skill of postal employees to decipher handwriting. Their skills are like those of a druggist reading the doctor's prescription. The scrawls that ususlly puzzle the rest of us tend to result in satisfactory delivery.
New or upgraded manual sorting machines also apply a barcode, based on the ZIP code that an operator types in. Such manually barcoded mail can then be read by automated sorting machines further on in the delivery process.
I asked Ray Compton, a local post office employee, about those colored marks on the flaps of processed letter. He explained that the alphabetic character represents a designation of the specific machine at that post office. The number is the position key that was pressed for the sorting process on that specific machine. The color of the mark tells which work shift of the day processed the piece. Ray works in a post office that processes mail 24 hours a day in three eight-hour shifts.
I do not believe there is any consistency between individual post offices to identify the variety of sorting markings on the reverse of processed mail. They may by chance use the same colors, etc. Perhaps someone can shed more light on this matter.
Technological innovations are continually tested on prototype machines. The USPS has an aggressive research program that is making possible the construction of machines with surprising smarts. The relatively new sprayed- on cancellations are a good example of technology being integrated into the processing of our mail. It is a good idea to watch your daily mail for modern collectible material.
The Fourth Advanced Technology Conference was sponsored by the USPS' Technology Resource Dept. on Nov. 5-7, 1990. There was much excitement at this conference about what's on the horizon--into the next century--for sorting and mail processing.
The forum focused on automated mail processing, collection, and delivery methods. Interested attendees included representatives from 18 countries, and almost 600 scientists.
Postmaster General Anthony M. Frank has announced that the US Postal Service is establishing a "research center of excellence" at the State University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY-B). The research is under the direction of computer scientist Dr. Sargur Srihari.
Frank also noted that "today 52 percent of all letters are sorted by automation nationwide," and that "the United States Postal System will experience more change in the next five years than in its entire 200-year history." Stamp collectors will be watching these rapid evolutionary changes with interest.
There is a current drive by the USPS to automate virtually all processing of letter mail by the year 1995. This push is fueled by the growth of mail volume, delivery requirements, and costs. Yes, our US Postal System is trying to keep postal costs as low as possible. The USPS estimates its total mail volume will increase to between 175 and 185 billion pieces!
SUNY-B has been awarded a $2.1 million contract to create a prototype optical address locator that could find an address on "all kinds of mail." That's quite a task when you take a close look at the mail arriving at your home or workplace.
Dr. Srihari has said that "there are approximately one million data points per mail piece." Building a machine to read both printed and handwritten characters, after disregarding the conflicting data from advertising and other information that's printed all over envelopes and other kinds of mail, is a daunting problem that must be solved.
In addition to producing "machines of the future there will also be projects for other sponsoring agencies, and SUNY-B will sponsor an international symposium and publish research results in the future.
Much like the spinoff technological benefits from aerospace research, developments in postal sorting may have diverse commercial applications.
Barcodes are helping the postal system do its job more efficiently. Many European countries use machine sorting codes. Germany is using barcode markings for Postleitzahl number sorting. I've also noticed that the British have used both a system of dotcoding and barcoding to speed mail processing.
The USPS reports that 30 percent of letter-sized mail is now sorted by bar code. Automation is aimed at not only sorting letters, but catalogs, magazines, and large envelopes. The USPS anticipates a $5 billion savings in 1995 alone.
It is anticipated that large volume mailers will provide more pieces of mail prebarcoded. Volume mailers are encouraged through postal discounts to use barcodes. Other mail will be barcoded by USPS multiline optical character readers(MLOCRs). The remaining portion that cannot be optically read will be processed manually.
Automated sorting equipment now processes letters with a barcode (including some mail simply with typewritten address) at a rate of 30,000 letters per hour and a relative cost of $3 per 1,000. This is a considerable savings compared to hand-sorting letters with handwritten addresses at the rate of about 800 per hour and a relative cost of $35 per 1,000.
The slower mechanized letter-sorting machines that print colored sorting marks on the flap-side of envelopes cost $15 per 1,000.
The SUNY-B research goal is to develop a system that will sort handwritten addresses at 13 pieces per second.
Gary Herring, director of the office of advanced technology in the postal service's Technology Resource Dept., has noted that research is focusing on reading "a large number of machine-printed addresses through recognizing words as a whole, without relying on recognition of individual alpha characters of the words."
Mr. Herring also said that the objective of the OCR sorting machine research is to successfully read an astounding 75 percent of the five-or nine-digit ZIP codes on handwritten letters. If the ZIP code is poorly printed or written, then the city and state address must be used.
Postal scanning technology has evolved from an initial 20 minutes to locate the address on a single piece of mail to about one minute. Scientists in other countries are also working on similar such problems.
Currently there are 412 multiline OCRs (MLOCRs) operating in US post offices, with more than 346 more to be delivered within about two years. It is anticipated that those machines will have the combined capacity to barcode 40 percent of the 1995 projected mail volume that has typewritten or printed addresses.
Presently the USPS has 1,349 barcode sorters (BCSs) that are to be retrofitted with technology that will allow reading the address from the piece of mail wherever it is. More than 5,200 new and smaller BCSs equipped with the new technology are to be installed over the next several years.
A recent postal bulletin noted, "For letters on which customers do not apply bar codes and our MLOCRs cannot read--such as handwritten mail--we will need 295 remote coding systems by 1995." These predictions of the future obviously rely on research now in progress.
OCR technology is also being used to identify mail trays and mail bags during processing operations. Letters are placed in trays and bags and quickly advanced to each operation, resulting ultimately in speedier mail delivery service. Stamp booklets and other postal stock items are barcoded for distribution and inventory control.
Ms. Karen T. Uemoto, Asst. Postmaster General for the USPS Technology Resource Dept., has successfully compressed the National ZIP + 4 Directory to fit the point-of-origin high speed mail sorters for all letter-sized mail.
Ms. Uemoto has noted that up to $75 million annually will be realized through new data compression logic that compresses the ZIP code directory to less than half its size. Compressed ZIP code directories should be of interest to stamp collectors, especially US postal cancellation researchers.
Ms Uemoto stated, "These advancements will help streamline labor-intensive operations while stretching the time frame between rate increases." Fewer postal increases sound good to me too!
Integrated postage meter systems are in use that insert computer-generated letters into envelopes; close and seal them; print the full addresses on the envelopes; apply the correct value meter postage, and imprint the barcode translation of the 5- or 9-digit ZIP code. Bulk mass mailers presort mailing lists so the stacks of processed letters come out grouped by ZIP code -- ready for high speed postal processing from the mail trays.
Pattern recognition developed for USPS sorting technology could evolve to the point where stamp collectors could use computers to verify stamp authenticity, catalog design characteristics; measure paper transmissivity, fluorescence, and color; compare ink color and perforations. Your PC might even give you a report on condition, grade, and catalog or auction value. With a little coaxing home computers may be doing all this and more in the future.
If you are interested in further information on postal automation in Philately, I recommend contacting the Modern Postal History society (MPHS). Inquiries should be directed to Mr. Terrance Hines, c/o Psychology Department, Pace University, Plesantville, NY 10570.