You think your organization does a lot of manual paper-pushing. Whatever your problems, they're nothing like those of the United States Postal Service.
But if the Postal Service has its way, things will change. The U.S. Postal Service has its way, things will change. The U.S. Postal Service is expected to triple the amount it spends on automation equipment this year. The Postal Service spent $429 million on automation equipment in 1991 and wants to increase that figure to $1.28 billion in 1992 -- all part of a 55 billion program to automate its operations.
At the top of the Postal Service's must-have list of such products as remote bar code readers, optical character readers, and bar code sorters. The Postal Service is developing these products through relationships with research institutions.
At the heart of the Postal Service's automation effort is the Remote Bar Coding System. RBCS is specifically designed to automate the processing or mail that cannot be read by the Postal Service's high-speed optical character readers. Examples of such "unreadable" mail are letters bearing handwritten addresses, addresses printed faintly, or letters with interference in the addressing area.
RBCS uses video imaging technology to lift images of addresses from the envelope. Addresses are transmitted to anearby facility for processing. There while the address image is displayed on video terminals, a data entry operator keys a portion of the address into a computer. The computer determines the appropriate 9-digit ZIP code and transmits the information back to the mail processing area, where a bar code is applied.
All subsequent processing of the originally unreadable piece of mail is accomplished by high-speed bar code sorters, eliminating several manual handlings.
The technology continues to improve. New systems currently being developed will booost the computer readability of handwritten mail from 1 percent to 50 percent. This and other technological advances, together with increases in the volume of mail that already bears bar codes when the Postal Service receives it should render RBCS and its manual keying out-moded in only a few years.
Where and What
The Postal Service's optical character reader is a big piece of equipment intended for use at the origin office, where the mail comes in for its first sort. Costing about $800,000 each, the optical character readers have the capability to read print and type font on about 13 pieces of mail per second and print a bar code on each piece.
The subsystem that applies the bar code is called POSTNET. At the origin end of POSTNET, a piece of equipment sprays a two-inch-long bar code on letters. At the destination, a smaller piece of equipment called a bar code sorter, which costs about $200,000 reads all the bar codes. The bar code sorter sorts out the letters and routes them to their destinations.
Eventually, the Postal Service hopes to use multiline optical scanners that can handle handwritten addresses as well as machine-printed addresses. Handwritten addresses are found on 15 percent of the mail. By 1995, the Postal Service hopes to test a prototype machine that can read at least half of the handwritten material and interpret nine-digit ZIP codes at a rate of 13 per second. Meanwhile, the read rate on machine-printed mail will go from about 75 percent to 95 percent. By 2005, the goal is machine-reading of all but the 5 percent that is so illegible that no machine can read it.
At the moment, roughly 75 percent of handwritten numbers can be scanned now, but too slowly. Alphabetic handwritten characters can be read about 20 percent of the time. Current research focuses on the word shapes and contextual analysis rather than no character recognition.
RBCS was introduced first to sites in Western Nassau County, New York, and Louisville, Kentucky. When these proved successful, the Postal Service began national deployment of the system. By the end of 1995, 295 Remote Bar Coding Systems, supporting 19,000 terminals will be operational in some 200 locations.
Under the service's five-year plan about 20 percent of the equipment is in place -- 300 optical character readers and 1,000 bar code readers with another 100 optical character readers and 1,000 bar code readers to be put in place this year. The 245 largest mail processing sites will get the new equipment first.
Meantime, the Postal Service is trying to persuade large mailers to put bar codes on 40 percent of the mail stream. The service's optical character readers will print codes on another 40 percent and the remaining 20 percent will be coded remotely.
As man moves through the optical character readers -- at rates of up to 30,000 pieces per hour -- any piece that
The Pace of Work
The Remote Bar Coding system has two major subcontractors at the present time -- Westinghouse Building the input/output subsystem, and ElectroCom building the image processing subsystem.
The input/output subsystem is a piece of the remote bar coding system that lifts the image and passes it over for processing if the multiline optical character reader cannot read an address. The image processing subsystem is a system of video terminals and image processing equipment that will present the unread envelope faces to operators to key in the proper informaiton.
Westinghouse Electric will begin installing equipment at 25 sites around the country this year under a $24.5 million contract awarded by the Postal Service in 1991 as part of its input/output subsystem program. The equipment is being built under a license from AEG ElectroCom in Germany.
Tom Evans, Westinghouse's postal systems department manager, said that the company plans later this year to submit a bid for a Postal Service program called the
Advanced Address Recognition Unit.
The Postal Service awarded a $95.4 million contract to ElectroCom Automation of Arlington, Texas, for the production and installation of hardware for the video image processing portion of the Remote Bar Code System.
Under terms of the two-year contract, ElectroCom is producing 25 of the image processing component systems and was scheduled to begin installation last month.
Last September, the Postal Service awarded a $19.9 million contract to Martin Marietta Corporation to provide new bar code readers to enhance mail delivery efficiency and reduce costs. The contract is for bar code reader attachments that will upgrade existing sorting machines for flat mail. As revised, sorters will let magazines, catalogs, and oversized envelopes that have been pre-bar coded by customers join the stream of letters sorted automatically. The flats sorters now require operators to read and key in ZIP codes.The Postal Service began adding bar code readers to the sorters in December 1991 with the complete modification of all the machines by November 1992.
The service has proposed to the Postal Rate Commission special discounts for pre-bar coded flats mail. Results indicate the service could save more than $1 billion during the first 10 years of use.
Earlier, Martin Marietta won a $38.9 million contract to make structural changes to 523 machines that process large flats. The machines that were retrotitted by Martin Marietta will also be modified to process mail automatically. Martin Marietta's changes will bring old sorter machines up to the level of newer machines, Maritin Marietta built for the Postal Service in 1989.
Martin Marietta began making modifications to the exitsting machines last April at its Albuquerque. N.M., facility. The 18 month contract includes the option of retrotitting 20 more old sorters.
CD-ROM and Other Projects
The Postal Service is also using some CD-ROM equipment for the storage of a massive database that contains millions of ZIP+4 numbers. The PC-based CD-ROM workstations are being installed at postal facilities throughout the country to enable people to look up ZIP+4 codes.
One of the companies awarded a contract in this effort is Hitachi Sales Corporation of America's Industrial Products Division Sysorex Information Systems was the
systems integrator for the project, installing approximately 2,000 CD-ROMs to the U.S.Postal Service over a three year period.
Most of the Postal Service's imaging equipment is initially developed through research grants to educational institutions. Recently, these institutions have included the State University of New York at Buffalo, the University of Michigan and Stanford University.
SUNY at Buffalo has been working on research for the Postal Service on various imaging projects under grants averaging $3 million a year since 1988.
One of the scientists goal has been to develop a system that will be able to recognize and understand all addresses whether printed or handwritten, at the rate of 13 pieces of mail per second. Current systems reject 40 to 50 percent of the mail they scan because they cannot distinguish addresses from other writing on a piece of mail and because they cannot read handwritten addresses. "We're trying to get the machines to read a little more like humans." says Sargur Srihari, professor in the computer science department and head of the university's 50-person research team.
To get computers to read a handwritten address, Srihari and his colleagues have had to start with the most basic problem: getting the optical character reader to determinate between the address block and the rest of the writing on a piece of mail, such as a magazine, advertising circular or newspaper.
Initially, the software running on a conventional workstation took 20 minutes to locate the address on a single piece of mail. This has now been reduced to about a minute. To reach their target - machines that will read and sort 13 pieces of mail per second - they are concentrating both on hardware modifications, such as the redesign of integrated circuit chips and boards, and on the development of new software.
The technologies being developed at the center will have wide application outside of the Postal Service. Several government agencies have expressed interest in optical character readers because of the high volume of documents they are required to digest and the lack of start to do it.