News Business Reporter
The U.S. Postal Service is tired of having to hand sort more than 100 million pieces of scribbled and scrawled handwritten pieces of mail per day, but it is not getting mad. It's getting technical.
The University at Buffalo's Center of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition (CEDAR) and the Main Post Office on William Street have become instrumental in the development and implementation of a system of optical scanners and bar codes for the Postal Service that can decipher handwritten and printed mail and then pinpoint a letter's exact intended designation.
"This is an automated society." said Mark Saunders, a spokesman for the U.S. Postal Service. "It's vital for any organization to automate."
The Postal Service realized the need to become as automated as possible, as soon as possible. in the late 1970s. The system -- the business in the world with 555 million pieces of mail handled daily -- already is the most automated. Still, 80 percent of its costs are related to people.
Right now, just over 50 percent of mail can be automated through automation, which costs about $3 per thousand letters. Just over 40 percent can be sorted by a combination of man and machine at a cost of $17 per thousand. Hand sorting is needed for 5 percent to 7 percent of the mail, and costs about $40 per thousand.
The goal is to be able to sort 90 percent of all mail automatically, but poor handwriting, which makes up 15 percent of all daily mail, interferes. Current technology allows machines only to read and sort addresses that are typed or computer generated. The rest must be identified by a human operator. The post office wants to have optics equipment read at least 50 percent of handwritten mail by 1995.
In 1984, Postal Service gave UB $100,000 to study the possibility of developing optics technology that could read handwriting.
Now 20 percent of the $67 million the Postal Service is dedicating to optical research has been invested at UB. Last year alone, the service granted the university nearly $6 million.
Keith Bettinger at U.B. demonstrates how a computer can analyze human handwriting on a letter.
The overall technology works like this. The letters are received and sorted automatically. A postal optical character reader accepts the handwritten envelopes that were rejected by the conventional sorting machine and could not be read. A "video snapshot" of the envelope is taken and an "identification tag" is applied to the back of the envelope. The envelope then is set aside.
At the same time the video image is sent to a remote computer center. Currently there are three central sites, two in Roanoke VA, and one in Madisonville KY. There, a human operator views the envelope on a screen and determines what the address is and to what ZIP code the letter belongs.
The operator sends the information back to the mail sorting center, the envelope is located through the "identification tag", and a bar code is sprayed on to the front of the letter that contains the address and the ZIP code information. The bar code then is read and the envelope is directed to the correct mail carrier.
Researchers at UB currently are working to improve the productivity of the computers used by operators at the remote mail processing centers.
Scattered throughout UB's North Campus are more than 100 researchers -- including 30 fulltime and 20 part-time graduate students, 10 undergraduate and several faculty members -- headed by Dr. Sargur Srihari, director of CEDAR and professor of computer science at UB. He said they all are working to develop the software that would allow computers to correctly identify letters and numbers, rather than having an operator physically determine the written address.
The economic benefits to the new technology are obvious.
The Postal Service is planning to eliminate 100,000 workers by 1995, replacing them with the new technologies. The service slowly has been leaving vacancies unfilled for several years in preparation for the day when automation almost completely takes over. About 40,000 jobs have been cut since the mid 1980s, leaving about 750,000 workers, but the service has done it without a single layoff.
"We're not laying anybody off." said Bill McComb, general manager and postmaster of the Western New York field division - That's been a strategy of the post office."
Carriers also would be eliminated because the new system also incorporates the ZIP + 4 system. A four digit code will be tacked onto the standard five character ZIP code. The first two extra numbers will indicate which block the street address belongs to and the last two digits will indicate the house address. The mail then can be sorted in order for the mail carrier, who now spends about four hours per day arranging letters.
"Starting in 1993 that profile will be reduced to two hours in the office and six hours on the street," McComb said. "That translates into fewer hours".
McComb said the union that represent postal workers in Buffalo have been cooperating during the downsizing, although keeping employees motivated and moving the mail in the midst of a "revolution" has its challenges, he said.
"How do you make all these changes and still put out a product everyday?" McComb asked. "That's kind of what we're struggling with.
"Its a major concern of ours to keep going, keep our people pumped up," he said.
The William Street Post Office was one of the first in the country to incorporate the bar coding system into its operation, although the technology used there is largely separate from the work being done at UB.
"We're one of the sites because ... they (the Postal Service) believe we can make it work," McComb said.
The developments are mutually beneficial.
"This technology that is being developed is owned by UB with royal-free rights to the U.S. Postal Service," Srihari said. "They fund the research, but the ownership rests with the research foundation here."
When the current research is complete, Srihari said, the technology and the rights will become valuable to a number of different businesses.
"There is interest from a wide spectrum because of handwritten and machine- printed documents, these are commonly used by businesses," he said.
The Census Bureau, the Internal Revenue Service, insurance companies and credit card companies all have a need to sort and direct large volumes of mail efficiently.
Even when the initial goal of 50 percent handwritten identification is met, the field of optical character reading still has many more possibilities. Srihari said results of the current research will act as a foundation for developing processes like distinguishing the different section on a mail piece, verifying postage and identifying the return address.
Postal customers will see the difference in terms of cost and service, McComb said.
He said the goal of automation is to cut costs for the Postal Service, and make delivery quicker and more consistent.
McComb said that in the end, the Postal Service, which receives no tax dollars, wants to lengthen the time between price increases to the public to between four and six years. The last increase, to 29 cents, was instituted less than three years after the hike to 25 cents.
"Our strategy right now is to (keep) costs two percent below inflation," McComb said. "We feel we owe something to the American people."