
Buffalo, NY
Tuesday, September 27, 1994
Page B-6

UB computer experts develop way to merge traditional and electronic mail

News Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON -- Thanks to computer experts at the University at Buffalo, neither snow nor rain nor the Internet shall stay the U.S. Postal Service from the swift completion of its appointed rounds.

UB scientists came to Washington Monday to prove that point at the National Postal Forum, a trade show where the Postal Service touted to technology developed in Buffalo as its "first on-ramp to the information superhighway."

That technology, in essence, is an attempt to marry traditional mail with e-mail.

If it works in its current trial run and is installed at major postal processing centers throughout the country, the Postal Service will become much quicker in handling magazine subscriptions, catalog orders and practically any other business conducted through reply cards.

UB's invention may keep the Postal Service competitive at a time when more and more companies have installed "800" numbers or computer link-ups to handle customer orders, said Robert Reisner, vice president for technology applications at the Postal Service.

"This is a technology that could be valuable from the beginning," Reisner said. "The people at UB are world-class experts in perfecting these kinds of things."

UB's Center of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition has helped the Postal Service in the past, developing an automated process for reading handwritten ZIP codes. Its invention is an extension of that technology.

"Our system intercepts the reply cards, captures the information the customer has filled in and transmits it over telecommunications links to the appropriate company," said Sargur Srihari, director of the UB center. "The card may never need to leave the post office."

Srihari said the new system is expected to cut the post office's processing time for reply cards to between 12 and 18 hours, down from two to four days under the traditional mail-handling system. The system could save the Postal Service up to $15 million a year.

UB received a $1 million federal contract to develop the system and has another $1 million contract to perfect it in the coming year.

A trial of the system started Monday, as the central post office in Dallas used it to transmit reply-card information to Neodata, a Boulder, Colo., company that processes magazine subscriptions and other orders for many companies.

Only one thing could hamper the system: lousy handwriting. If the UB-designed computer system can't read the handwriting, it will transmit an image of the reply card directly to the company, which will then try to decipher it.

Those images should arrive at the company about a day after the customer mailed the reply card, said Venu Govindaraju, project manager at the UB center.

"So the company never has to deal with the hard copy and the order gets processed as much as a week earlier, which translates into major savings for the company," Govindaraju said.