If you've sent a handwritten letter in the past six months or so, chances are good it was sorted not by eye or by hand, but by a new computer system trained to recognize writing from script to scrawl.
Sargur Srihari should know; he was one of the prople that built the system, now used in Rochester and in 33 other post office sites around the country.
A professor of computer science at State University of New York at Buffalo, Srihari has been working for nearly 20 years on the technology, called handwritten address interpretation, or HWAI.
"In Rochester, they can process 600,000 pieces of mail each night," Srihari says. "They need to do this all in a few hours." Technology such as HWAI, which can read and process between 10 and 20 pieces of mail a second, speeds things along.
The computer industry has been chasing accurate handwriting recognition systems for years; because everyone's writing is different, software that can read machine-printed text won't work. Even success stories, such as the software that handles Apple's Newton and the U.S. Robotics Pilot organizer, require the user to change his or her writing style.
Srihari says systems such as HWAI have an even tougher task. "You have less information available on an envelope, and sometimes the lines run into each other." Even finding the address can be tricky; on a postcard, it's sometimes hidden amid a mass of text.
Also, most people write in a combination of print and cursive styles, creating further problems. "People read handwriting only because we know what we're reading."
Srihari says the HWAI system works by first recognizing characters in the letter's ZIP code and state abbreviation; then scanning a database of words to find which matches the street name.
Once the address is determined, the letter is processed and sent off automatically. If the computer can't read the address, an image of the letter is sent to a monitor to be read by human eyes.