Data Mining
Sargur Srihari Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University at Buffalo

The subject of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) concerns the extraction of useful information from data. Since this is also the essence of many sub-areas of computer science, as well as the field of statistics, KDD can be said to lie at the intersection of statistics, machine learning, data bases, pattern recognition, information retrieval and artificial intelligence.

The subject matter of data mining is vast, making the task of task of learning about the subject itself a task of data mining! The one-semester course that I teach emphasizes the theory and algorithms of data mining. Such algorithms are concerned with deriving global models/ local patterns, visualization, and retrieval by content. Related courses that I teach are pattern recognition and machine learning which cover many other topics related to data mining.

Textbook: Principles of Data Mining by D. Hand, H. Mannila and P. Smith, MIT Press, 2001.


The following are the presentation slides used in a classroom setting. They are given here as links to pdf files. Since these slides are continually updated you may wish to revisit them. The course was last taught in Spring 2010.

  1. Introduction to Data Mining
    1. Introduction to Data Mining
  2. Measurement and Data
    1. Measurements and Distances
  3. Visualization of Data
    1. Summarizing Data, Histograms, Scatter Plots
    2. Principal Components Analysis and Multidimensional Scaling
  4. Data Analysis and Uncertainty
    1. Random Variables
    2. Estimation
    3. Hypothesis Testing/Sampling
  5. Systematic Overview of Data Mining Algorithms
    1. Decision Trees and MLP
    2. Association Rules and Text Retrieval
  6. Models and Patterns
    1. Prediction Models
    2. Probability Models and Graphical Models
    3. Structured Data: Markov Models
    4. Pattern Structures
  7. Content-Based Information Retrieval
    1. Precision and Recall
    2. Text Retrieval: Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency
    3. Text Retrieval: Latent Semantic Indexing and Probabilistic Retrieval
    4. Content-Based Image Retrieval
  1. Mid-Term Examination

  2. Mid-Term Solutions