Deep Learning
Sargur Srihari Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University at Buffalo

Deep Learning algorithms learn multi-level representations of data, with each level explaining the data in a hierarchical manner. Such algorithms have been effective at uncovering underlying structure in data, e.g., features to discriminate between classes. They have been successful in many artificial intelligence problems including image classification, speech recognition and natural language processing. The course, which will be taught through lectures and projects, will cover the underlying theory, the range of applications to which it has been applied, and learning from very large data sets. The course will cover connectionist architectures commonly associated with deep learning, e.g., basic neural networks, convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks. Methods to train and optimize the architectures and methods to perform effective inference with them, will be the main focus. Students will be encouraged to use open source software libraries such as Tensorflow.

Pre-requisite: Introductory Machine Learning (ML). A course on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs) is helpful but not necessary.

Course material loosely follows the organization of the text: I. Goodfellow, Y. Bengio and A. Courville, Deep Learning, MIT Press, 2016. There are twenty chapters organized into three major subdivisions (after the Overview): I. Applied Math and Machine Learning basics, II. Deep Networks: Modern Practice, and III. Deep Learning Research.

Lecture Videos

Lectures on Chapters 1-11 given at the Indian Institute of Science in Spring 2020 can be found on youtube. Video recordings of on-line lectures on Chapter 12.3 (Natural Language Processing) onwards are available at topic links given below.

Lecture videos for Deep Learning Research (Part III) are also indexed at Youtube Channel on Deep Learning Research.

Lecture Slides

Following are links to pdf slide files for topics. Updated in Spring 2020.

  1. Overview
    1. Introduction to Deep Learning(19MB)
    2. Overview of Deep Learning(15MB)
    3. Depth in Deep Learning(2MB)
    4. Historical Trends in Deep Learning(9.9MB)
  1. Applied Math and Machine Learning Basics
    1. Linear Algebra
      1. Linear Algebra for Machine Learning(2.1MB)
    2. Probability and Information Theory
      1. Probability and Information Theory(2.1MB)
    3. Numerical Computation and Gradient-based Optimization
      1. Numerical Computation(228KB)
      2. Gradient-based Optimization(6.6MB)
    4. Machine Learning Basics
      1. Definition of Learning (5.3MB)
      2. Capacity:Underfitting,overfitting(1.7MB)
      3. Hyperparameters and Validation Sets(490KB)
      4. Estimators, Bias and Variance(741KB)
      5. Maximum Likelihood Estimation(367KB)
      6. Bayesian Statistics(431KB)
      7. Supervised Learning Algorithms(350KB)
      8. Unsupervised Learning Algorithms(299KB)
      9. Stochastic Gradient Descent(366KB)
      10. Building a Machine Learning Algorithm(259KB)
      11. Challenges Motivativating Deep Learning(2.4MB)
      12. Software Libraries for Deep Learning
        1. Python Libraries (130KB)
        2. Tensorflow
        3. Fizzbuzz in Tensorflow(130KB)
  2. Deep Networks: Modern Practice
    1. Deep Feed-forward Networks
      1. Feed-forward Networks(2.1MB)
      2. Gradient-based Learning(2.3MB)
      3. Hidden Units(1MB)
      4. Architecture Design(3.2MB)
      5. Backward Propagation and Differentiation
        1. Forward/Backward Propagation(2.3MB)
        2. Computational Graphs(2.4MB)
        3. Chain Rule in Backprop(543KB)
        4. Symbol-symbol Derivatives(203KB)
        5. General Backprop(437KB)
        6. Other Differentiation Algorithms(74KB)
    2. Regularization
      1. Regularization: Overview(107KB) Video
      2. Parameter Penalties(431KB)
      3. Norm Penalties as Constrained Optimization(127KB)
      4. Regularization and Underconstrained Problems(1.2MB)
      5. Data Augmentation(1.5MB)
      6. Noise Robustness(51KB) Video
      7. Semi-Supervised Learning(61KB)
      8. Multi-Task Learning(168KB)
      9. Early Stopping(361KB)
      10. Parameter Tying and Parameter Sharing(104KB)
      11. Sparse Representations(218KB)
      12. Bagging(321KB)
      13. Dropout(425KB)
      14. Adversarial Training(24MB) Video
      15. Tangent Distance, Tangent Propagation(11.8MB) Video
    3. Optimization for Training Deep Models
      1. Optimization for Training Deep Learning(2.5MB) Video
      2. How Learning Differs from Pure Optimization(628KB)
      3. Challenges in Neural Network Optimization(2.6MB)
      4. Basic Algorithms: SGD and Momentum(3.2MB)
      5. Parameter Initialization Strategies(84KB)
      6. Adaptive Learning Rates: RMSProp, Adam(1MB)
      7. Approximate Second-Order Methods: Newton, BFGS(838KB)
      8. Optimization Strategies and Meta-Algorithms
        1. Batch Normalization(302KB)
        2. Coordinate Descent(92KB)
        3. Pretraining(623KB)
    4. Convolutional Networks
      1. Convolutional Networks Overview(1.4MB)
      2. The Convolution Operation(693KB)
      3. CNN-Motivation(2.9MB)
      4. Pooling(918KB)
      5. Convolution-Pooling as Strong Prior(416KB)
      6. CNN Variants(1MB)
      7. Structured Output(163KB)
      8. Capsule Networks(1.4MB)
    5. Sequence Modeling: Recurrent and Recursive Nets
      1. Sequence Modeling(2.3MB) Video
      2. Unfolding Graphs(1.8MB)
      3. Recurrent Neural Networks
        1. Recurrent Neural Networks(618KB) Video
        2. Teacher Forcing(1.4MB)
        3. RNN Gradients(1.3MB)
        4. RNNs as PGMs(1.8MB)
        5. RNNs Conditioned in Context(1.3MB)
      4. Bidirectional RNNs(253KB)
      5. Encoder-Decoder Architecture(1.4MB)
      6. Deep Recurrent Networks(419KB)
      7. Recursive Neural Networks(167KB)
      8. Long-Term Dependencies(214MB)
      9. Leaky Units(87KB)
      10. Long Short-Term Memory(2.1MB)
    6. Practical Methodology
      1. Practical Design Process(53KB)
      2. Performance Metrics(237KB)
      3. Default Baseline Models(53KB)
      4. Whether to gather more data(333KB)
      5. Selecting hyperparameters(763KB)
      6. Debugging Strategies(54KB)
    7. Applications
      1. Large Scale Systems(9.2MB)
      2. Computer Vision(1.2MB)
      3. Natural Language Processing
        1. NLP Overview(384KB) Video
        2. N-grams(809KB) Video
        3. Neural Language Models(3.7MB) Video
        4. High Dimensional Outputs(989KB)
        5. Neural Machine Translation(1.1MB)Video
        6. Attention Models(10.1MB)Video
        7. Transformer Models(5.9MB)Video
      4. Recommender Systems(2.8MB)
      5. Knowledge Representation, Reasoning & QA(466KB)
      6. Knowledge Graphs(3.5MB)
  3. Deep Learning Research
    1. Linear Factor Models
      1. Linear Factor Models(11.9MB) Video
    2. Autoencoders
      1. Autoencoders(7MB)Video_UB, Video_IISc
      2. Denoising Autoencoders(2.1MB)
      3. Learning manifolds with Autoencoders(21.8MB) Video_UB, Video_IISc
    3. Representation Learning
      1. Overview of Representation Learning(10.1MB) Video
      2. Greedy Layer-wise Unsupervised Pretraining(436KB)
      3. Transfer Learning and Domain Adaptation(981KB) Video
      4. Semi-supervised Disentangling of Causal Factors(4.2MB) Video
      5. Distributed Representation(2MB) Video
      6. Exponential Gains from Depth(65KB)
      7. Providing Clues to Discover Underlying Causes(65KB)
    4. Structured Probabilistic Models for Deep Learning
      1. Probabilistic Modeling of Unstructured Data (5.1MB) Video
      2. Using Graphs to Represent Model Structure(2.9MB) Video
      3. Sampling from PGMs(6.1MB) Video
      4. Advantages of Structured Modeling(62KB)
      5. Learning about Dependencies(247KB)
      6. Inference and Approximate Inference(88KB)
      7. The Deep Learning Approach to PGMs(4.4MB) Video
    5. Monte Carlo Methods
      1. Monte Carlo Methods(9.1MB) Video
      2. Importance Sampling(3.1MB) Video
      3. Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods(2.6MB) Video
      4. Gibbs Sampling(419KB)
      5. The Challenge of Mixing between Separated Modes(1.9MB)
    6. The Partition Function
      1. The Partition Function(117KB) Video
      2. The Log-likelihood Gradient(498KB)
        1. RBM Log-likelihood Gradient(821KB)
      3. Stochastic Maximum Likelihood and Contrastive Divergence(849KB)
      4. Noise Contrastive Estimation(256KB)
    7. Approximate Inference
      1. Approximate Inference Overview(285KB)Video
      2. Inference as Optimization(982KB)
      3. Expectation Maximization(787KB) Video
      4. MAP Inference and Sparse Coding(232KB) Video
      5. Variational Inference and Learning(973KB) Video
      6. Learned Approximate Inference (232KB)
    8. Deep Generative Models
      1. Deep Generative Model Overview(6MB) Video
      2. BoltzmannMachines(3.8MB) Video
      3. Restricted Boltzmann Machines(518KB)
      4. Deep Belief Networks (DBNs)(361KB)
      5. Deep Boltzmann Machines (DBMs)(1.5MB)
      6. Boltzmann Machines with Real Values (219KB)
      7. Directed Generative Nets
        1. Sigmoid Belief Networks(68KB)
        2. Differentiable Generator Nets(605KB)
      8. Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)
        1. VAE: PGM View(11.7MB) Video
        2. VAE: Neural Network View(12.1MB)
        3. VAE Applications(9.6MB)
      9. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
        1. GAN Motivation(26MB)
        2. GAN Theory(7.7MB)
        3. GAN Mode Collapse(4.7MB)
        4. Wasserstein GAN(18.8MB)
        5. GAN Variants(25MB)