Rules for Contact Lens Data
If tear production rate = reduced then recommendation = none
If age = young and astigmatic = no and
tear production rate = normal then recommendation = soft
If age = pre-presbyopic and astigmatic = no and
tear production rate = normal then recommendation = soft
If age = presbyopic and spectacle prescription = myope and
astigmatic = no then recommendation = none
If spectacle prescription = hypermetrope and astigmatic = no and
tear production rate = normal then recommendation = soft
If spectacle prescription = myope and astigmatic = yes and
tear production rate = normal then recommendation = hard
If age = young and astigmatic = yes and
tear production rate = normal then recommendation = hard
If age = pre-presbyopic and
spectacle prescription = hypermetrope and astigmatic = yes then recommendation = none
If age = presbyopic and spectacle prescription = hypermetrope and
astigmatic = yes then recommendation = none