Bhavana Lakshmi Upadhyaya

Bhavana was born on 8/31/1999 at the Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital in Williamsville, New York, a suburb of Buffalo. She weighed 7.3 lb at birth and measured 19.5 inches. She is the second child of Shambhu and Vinoda Upadhyaya.

Her middle name is in memory of her paternal great grandmother which also happens to be her maternal grandmother's name. Bhavana means Feelings or Expression or Mental Cultivation. There is also a reference to Bhavana in Lalitha Sahasra Namam (1000 chantings of Goddess in Sanscrit).

Chapter 2, Shree Lalitha Sahasra Namam, Stanza 41

"Bhavaanee Bhaavanagamyaa BhavaraNya KuTarika
Bhadrapriyaa Bhadramoorthi: Bhakta Soubhagyadayinee"

Bhavana in Saree. Getting ready to attend a wedding

Bhavana's 2nd Birthday (late celebration in Buffalo - notice her friends!!!)

Bhavana in Salwar!!!! It was hard to find this size!!

Brother and sister playing together

Bhavana and Grandma