The ILT truthing tool, designed at CEDAR, enables users to easily create and edit Devanagari image document truth. The system allows the user to open gray scale document images of the following formats - tiff, gif, jpeg.
After binarizing the image, Text and image zone separation is carried out and word boundaries are displayed.The user can then enter the truth for the words by using the transliterated (English) text or the graphical keyboard. Truth files can also be opened and updated, enabling users to resume truthing at a later stage.
The tool and the document truth set is available for download here. They are also available on a CD, for a small postage charge.
Here is some more information about the tool and its' features -
Format of the truth -
The truth of the documents is in the form of xml files and by default, it has an extension of "truth.xml". The Document Type Definition can be seen here.
Inputs from researchers is most invaluable for making this a successful venture for the OCR community. Please feel free to contact the group by email.
There are other tools and resources available on the web for Devanagari and OCR research. Some of those sites and resources are listed here.