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Written language recognition is the task of transforming language represented in its spatial form of graphical marks into its symbolic representation. For English orthography, this symbolic representation is typically the ASCII representation of text. The characters of most written languages of the world are representable today in the form of the Unicode [2].
We discuss here many of the issues in the recognition of English orthography, for printed text as well as handwriting. The central tasks are character recognition and word recognition. A necessary preprocessing step to recognizing written language is the spatial issue of locating and registering the appropriate text when there are complex two-dimesional spatial layouts employed. The latter task is referred to as document analysis.
The basic problem is to assign the digitized character into its symbolic class. In the case of a print image this is referred to as optical character recognition [OCR] [3] . In the case of handprint it is referred to as intelligent character recognition [ICR].
The typical classes are the upper and lower case characters, the ten digits and special symbols such as the period, exclamation mark, brackets, dollar and pound signs, etc. A pattern recognition algorithm is used to extract shape features and assign the observed character into the appropriate class. Artificial neural networks have emerged as fast methods for implementing classifiers for OCR. Algorithms based on nearest-neighbor methods have higher accuracy, but are slower.
Recognition of characters from a single font family on a well-printed paper document can be done very accurately. Difficulties arise when there are many fonts to be handled, for example, decorative fonts, or the document is of poor quality. Some examples of poor quality machine-printed and handwritten characters are shown in Fig. 1. In the difficult cases, it becomes necessary to use models to constrain the choices at the character and word levels. Such models are essential in handwriting recognition due to the wide variability of handprinting and cursive script.
A word recognition algorithm attempts to associate the word image to choices in a lexicon. Typically, a ranking is produced. This is done either by the analytical approach of recognizing the individual characters or by the holistic approach of dealing with the entire word image. The latter approach is useful in the case of touching printed characters and handwriting. A higher level of performance is observed by combining the results of both approaches. In the off-line unconstrained handwritten word recognition problem, recognition rates of 95%, 85%and 78% have been reported for the top choice for lexicon sizes of 10, 100 and 1,000 respectively [4].
In the on-line case,
larger lexicons are possible for the same accuracy; a top choice recognition
rate of 80% with pure cursive words and a 21,000 word
lexicon has been
reported [5].
Language models are useful in recovering strings of words after they have been passed through a noisy channel, such as handwriting or print degradation. The most important model for written language recognition is the lexicon of words. The lexicon, in turn, is determined by linguistic constraints, e.g., in recognizing running text, the lexicon for each word is constrained by the syntax, semantics and pragmatics of the sentence.
The performance of a recognition system can be improved by incorporating statistical information at the word sequence level. The performance improvement derives from selection of lower-rank words from the word recognition output when the surrounding context indicates such selection makes the entire sentence more probable. Lexical techniques such as collocational analysis can be used to modify word neighbourhoods generated by a word recognizer. Modification includes re-ranking, deleting or proposing new word candidates. Collocations are word patterns that occur frequently in language; intuitively, if word A is present, there is a high probability that word B is also present.
Methods to apply syntactic knowledge include: N-gram word models, N-gram class (e.g., part-of-speech) models, context-free grammars, and stochastic context-free grammars. An example of a handwritten sentence together with recognition choices produced by a word recognizer and grammatically determined correct paths are shown in Fig. 2 An increase in top choice word recognition rate from 80%to 95% is possible with the use of language models [6] .
Interactive with written language recognition is the task of document analysis. It is the task of determinining the physical (spatial) and logical structure of document content. There is wide variability in the structure of documents, as in the case of newspapers, magazines, books, forms, letters and handwritten notes. In the case of a newspaper page, the objective of document analysis is to:
Document analysis involves traditional image processing operations, such as enhancement, gray-scale image binarization, texture analysis, segmentation, etc. Particularly difficult problems with handwriting are: separation of lines of text, separation of words within a line, and the separation of touching characters.