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Japanese Character Image Database

The Center of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition, at the State University of New York at Buffalo has created a database of machine-printed Japanese character images. The images are extracted from a variety of document sources, including books, faxes, journals, laser printer, magazines, and newspapers. This database is intended to provide a training and testing set for Japanese OCR research and development. The database is available for purchase.

Ordering Information

To obtain a copy of CEDAR Japanese Character Database on CDROM, please contact:

Dr. S. N. Srihari
CEDAR, SUNY at Buffalo
520 Lee Entrance, Suite 202
Amherst, NY 14228-2567 (USA)

Tel: (716) 645-6162
Fax: (716) 645-6176
Email: srihari@cedar.Buffalo.EDU

The price is $1,500 (U.S. funds).

Specifications of the Database

* Samples of Character Images


Largest collection of Japanese character images currently available

Database Organization (Logical)

The database is logically organized to maximize query flexibility. Images are stored in an hierarchical structure.

Level        Category                Example 
0               <root>
I	 <source image type>      Book, Fax
II     <source image instance>    Book.01, Fax.13
III        <JIS code>             2123, 3A5F
IV  	<character instance>      2123.0001, 3A5F.0001


This organization supports queries such as:

The organization shown above suggests that each character instance image is storage in a separate file. In fact, the physical organization of the database is quite different. Typical database queries at CEDAR, such as a classifier training job, rapidly access a large number of characters. Were each character stored in a separate file, the retrieval overhead would be impractically high. Instead, all images for a particular JIS code are stored in a single file. Software simulates the logical organization shown above.