This web server was put together by Ajay Shekhawat, formerly of CEDAR. It was inspired
by our Address Recognition system; based on our expertise in reading handwritten
as well as machine-printed addresses, we designed this address matching system
which works on ASCII input.
Given an address, we try to match it (to the best of our abilities)
with a unique entry in the USPS databases. These databases have
been provided to us by the USPS as a part of our research in other areas.
We don't build/maintain these address databases; we
just massage them to allow for fast (in the order of a few
milliSeconds) queries.
It does not try to match the personal name; you can feed it whatever name
you want. This is because we not only don't have a database of personal
names, but it would be a messy legal issue too (personally, I don't like
the idea).
Many people have contributed to this effort; we at CEDAR pride in helping each
other out as much as possible. The matching engine was implemented by
Fred Kunderman. Others who contributed with ideas,
encouragement and code include Wen-Jann Yang, Chris Tran, Marvin Hsie, Jia Wang,
Srirangaraj (Ranga) Setlur and Evie Kleinberg.