Foundations of pattern recognition algorithms and machines, including statistical and structural
methods. Data structures for pattern representation, feature discovery and selection,
classification vs. description, parametric and non-parametric classification, supervised and
unsupervised learning, the use of contextual evidence, clustering, and small sample-size problems.
Programming projects will include handling of pictorial and textual patterns.
Introduction to Machine Learning (CSE 474/574)
Teaching computer programs to improve their performance through guided training and unguided
experience. Symbolic and numerical approaches. Concept learning, decision trees, neural nets,
statistical tests, Bayesian learning, computational learning theory, instance-based learning,
reinforcement learning and fuzzy logic.
Data Mining (CSE 626)
This course is an overview of topics in data mining and knowledge
discovery. Example topics are: data mining with structured and unstructured data; foundations of pattern clustering;
clustering paradigms; clustering for data mining; data mining using neural networks and genetic
algorithms; fast discovery of association rules; applications of data mining to pattern
Information Retrieval (CSE 535)
This course will cover both traditional, text-based information retrieval (IR) techniques, as well as newer techniques for multimedia information retrieval. Although text-based IR is a well-established field, the area of multimedia IR is an emerging discipline. Techniques for automatically analyzing/extracting content from other modalities such as images, video and speech will be explored. In each case, we will discuss content-analysis techniques as well as indexing and retrieval techniques will be examined. Various case studies will be presented. The latter part of the course will focus on techniques for combining information obtained from various media sources in both the indexing and retrieval stages. This includes multimodal query formulation/ decomposition, relevance judgment/feedback, evaluation techniques, as well as convenient user interfaces for multimedia querying.
Application of techniques of pattern recognition, image analysis and natural-language understanding to the task of automatic reading of text. Topics: Reading theories, segmentation of text, character and word recognition, string matching. Some examples of concentration areas: machine-printed document analysis, recognition of off-line (previously recorded) text on paper.
Techniques of computer learning programs. Perception, the human visual and auditory systems, neural information processing, pattern recognition and attention, memory, representation of knowledge, language, learning and cognitive development, problem solving and decision making, and the processes of thought.
This seminar will focus on information retrieval as it pertains to the biomedical domain,
specifically, the use of statistical language modeling techniques. The first part of the course
will focus on searching biomedical text/literature. We will study medical ontologies,
information extraction, and integrated search systems such as Entrez. We will also examine some
search problems that are the focus of the TREC genomics track in 2003. The remainder of the
course will focus on computational issues and methods used in molecular biology. Topics include:
data resources, sequence alignment, multiple sequence alignment, gene prediction, protein
classification, phylogenetic trees, and genome analysis. We will study the bioinformatics
perspective on these problems followed by computational approaches to solving them. Such
approaches include Hidden Markov models, clustering algorithms, genetic algorithms, stochastic
context-free grammars, etc.
For a complete list of graduate courses and seminars offered at the University at Buffalo and any
course prerequisites, please visit the Graduate
Computer Science and Engineering Course Descriptions or the current graduate class
For a complete list of undergraduate courses offered at the University at Buffalo and any course
prerequisites, please visit the Undergraduate Computer Science and Engineering Course
Descriptions or the current undergraduate class schedule.