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College/University Mail Automation (CUBE)

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The study on College/University Participation in Postal Service's Barcoded Mail Environment (CUBE)explores various ways that colleges and universities can get the maximum possible value from the work-sharing discounts offered by the U.S. Postal Service under Classification Reform which was implemented on July 1, 1996. Unique issues and characteristics of college/university mail operations are identified, case studies are presented to highlight the problems and solutions that typical colleges/universities have to deal with, and mail operation models and procedures that colleges and universities can implement in order to address these problems are recommended, along with the cost savings to be thus obtained. This study is an extension of a previous study done in early 1996, and provides enhanced analysis and more specific recommendations.

This study of college/university mail operations illustrates that mail processing operations vary considerably among campuses depending upon their size, mail volume, campus structure, and mail profile. However, the existence of distinct patterns among campus mail operations have enabled the identification of four levels of mail processing systems based on campus mail volume and student population. The operational descriptions and cost analysis figures show that it is possible for colleges/universities at each of these four levels to achieve significant postage savings by taking advantage of the work sharing discounts offered by the USPS under Classification Reform.

In order to get the maximum benefits from the new postal rates, and to meet the minimum quantities required to qualify for these rates, the recommended procedures for white mail and for production mail will vary among the different levels. It is recommended that small colleges subcontract both their white mail processing as well as their production mail processing, since they most likely will not be able to afford the cost of new equipment, nor be able to meet minimum quantity requirements through in-house processing. Small-medium size campuses should subcontract their white mail processing but buy some basic equipment for in-house production mail processing. Medium-large schools can afford to buy more equipment for in-house production mail processing but may still need to subcontract their white mail. Large universities typically have the mail volumes as well as the financial resources to invest in equipment such as MLOCRs for in-house white mail processing, as well as equipment for production mail.

The above recommendations are based on certain assumptions about average mail volumes and procedures for campuses of a given size, as well as on data obtained through a detailed survey of campus mail operations at representative colleges/universities throughout the country. The individual choices made by a college or university depend on its specific mail volume, mail profile, and budgetary constraints. The recommendations should be used as guidelines to help determine which level of operation a specific college/university should adopt. From the cost analysis, the appropriate assumptions of mail proportions/distributions may be modified in order to approximate the campus' own mail profile.

Table 1 gives a summary of the cost analysis showing costs and savings for different levels of college/university mail operations. This chart illustrates that colleges/universities at all levels can save a significant percentage of their annual postage costs by following the operational recommendations. By making automation a priority in their mail operations, colleges and universities can recoup their initial investments in a very short period of time.

Classification Reform greatly rewards centralization and automation in mail processing, and the recommendations are intended to guide colleges and universities toward making better decisions about their campus mail operations so as to maximize the work sharing discounts that they can obtain from the USPS.

Table 1: Summary Cost Analysis.

Campus Size Small Small/Medium Medium/Large Large
Outgoing First-Class Mail Volume 500,000 3,990,000 5,400,000 14,000,000
Full-Rate Postage Cost
(Outgoing Mail)
$160,000 $1,276,800 $1,728,000 $4,480,000
Postage Savings: Presorted Rate $12,500 $99,750 $135,000 $350,000
Postage Savings: Baic Barcode Rate $29,500 $235,410 $318,600 $826,000
Savings (Gross) Presorted vs. Barcode* $17,000 $135,660 $183,600 $476,000
Automation Costs $250 to $900 $30,000 to $75,000 $50,000 to $94,000 $150,000 to $180,000
Savings (Gross) Barcode Savings** $28,000 to $29,950 $160,410 to $205,410 $224,600 to $268,600 $646,000 to $676,000

*Costs and Savings are based on the difference between First-Class basic automation rates and the First-Class Presorted (non-automation) rates.

**Costs and Savings are based on the difference between First-Class basic automation rates ans First-Class full rates.