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College/University Mail Automation (CUBE)

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Campus Mail Facility Sample Fact Finder

I. General Information:

About yourself


Can we use your name/title in our report? Yes No.
About your Campus Mail Manager (if different than above)


II. College/University (C/U) Information:
Name of C/U:
C/U Population
Campus Location
Distance from nearest Support Services. in miles

Letter Shop:
Presort Bureau:

Distance from nearest USPS general mail facility in miles
Is your campus mail operation centralized? Yes No.
If decentralized, please explain:
Number of departments on campus:
Please list the names and distance in miles of the 3 colleges/universities closest to your campus.
C/U 1 Name: Distance:
C/U 2 Name: Distance:
C/U 3 Name: Distance:

III. Campus Mail Center* Employee Information:
Number of daily shifts in operation at Campus Mail Center
Number of employees (headcount):
Supervisors:Full Time:Part Time:Students:
Total salary for all Campus Mail Center employees:
Average non-supervisory employee salary:

*For this section as well as for all other sections in this survey, if C/U mail operations are divided in any manner (e.g., Campus Mail Center is physically separate from the Print & Mail Services Dept.), then please use figures from each dept. as appropriate.

IV. General Mail Information:

Number of Incoming U.S. Mail Pieces handled by the Campus Mail Center
Daily Avg.:
Monthly Avg.:
Annual Avg.:
Number of Outgoing U.S. Mail Pieces handled by the Campus Mail Center

Daily Avg.:
Monthly Avg.:
Annual Avg.:
Postage Cost of Outgoing U.S. Mail Pieces handled by the Campus Mail Center

Daily Avg.:
Monthly Avg.:
Annual Avg.:
Number of Internal Campus Mail Pieces handled by the Campus Mail Center

Daily Avg.:
Monthly Avg.:
Annual Avg.:
Percentage of C/U's outgoing mail that is handled by the Campus Mail Center.
Number of Postage Meters on campus other than in the Campus Mail Center

V. Specific U.S. Outgoing Mail Information:

Information on the different classes of outgoing U.S. mail handled by the Campus Mail Center.

Please enter numbers for average volume of White and Production Mail

Info Desktop1st Class Standard ClassNon Profit

(# mailpieces)

Daily average
Monthly Average
Annual average
Postage Costs

(# dollars)

Daily average
Monthly Average
Annual average

*White mail is defined as non-barcoded, non-presorted singular pieces of 1st class mail.

**Production mail is defined as mailings generated from mailing lists & destined for a large quantity of addresses.