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Penman: Handwritten Text Recognition

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Online Handwriting Database


This document describes an on-line data collection effort recently conducted at CEDAR. The entire database contains slightly over 100,000 words. The data collection effort was performed in two phases. Phase 1 consisted of the collection and truthing of approximately 60,000 words. These words were written on a WACOM SD311E opaque tablet using paper and an inking pen. Phase 1 data is contained in ced0, ced1 and ced2. Phase 2 consisted of the collection and truthing of an additional 40,000 words written on a WACOM PL100V device. Phase 2 data can be found in ced3, ced4 and ced5.


The CEDAR Online Handwritten Text Database is a database consisting of lines of text, handwritten on a writing tablet by approximately 200 writers, and stored in on-line format. The total number of words contained in the database is 105,573. The database contains both cursive and printed writing, as well as some writing which is a mixture of cursive and printed. Because it contains entire lines of text, instead of just individual words, the database will be useful for studying word separation and recognizing words in context, as well as for general on-line word recognition. In addition to the above, we have also collected name and address data using an integrated writing/display device (the Wacom PL100V). The addresses include alphabetic (street names, cities) and numeric (ZIP codes) data. The data has been collected in two phases and resides in six subdirectories. Table 1 summarizes the contents of the data over the six subdirectories and two devices.

Device Opaque Tablet Integrated LCD Writing/Display Device Total
Directory ced0 ced1 ced2 ced3 ced4 ced5
# of writers 22 73 125 132 95 95 NA
# of sentences 347 1,439 4,327 NA NA NA 6,113
# of words 3,348 14,013 41,252 5,808* 27,012 14,140 105,573
# of characters 13,734 57,835 169,524 48,576 206,650 57,453 553,772
# of truthed char. 13,734 57,835 0 48,576 0 0 120,145

Table 1: Data Characteristics of the CEDAR Online Database

Two devices were used for collecting data. The first is a digitizing tablet interfaced to a SUN workstation. Based on careful consideration of several criteria, it was felt that a digitizing tablet in conjunction with an inking pen would yield the most ``natural'' handwriting samples. The second device is an integrated writing/display device, similar to those used in Personal Digital Assistants (PDA).

This database conforms to standards and guidelines outlined in the UNIPEN document titled ``First UNIPEN Benchmark of On-line Handwriting Recognizers'' released in June '94. We expect it to be used extensively by researchers developing on-line recognition systems. The on-line data is stored in ``UNIPEN 1.0'' format. It includes data files, documentation files and lexicons. All mandatory information (as specified in the UNIPEN standard) regarding the device and the writer have been provided. This has been supplemented by a considerable amount of optional information as well. The latter is obtained by asking data donators to fill out questionnaires. The integrity of the data formatting has been validated by using syntax checkers provided by the UNIPEN consortium. Semi-automated, graphical interfaces have been used for truthing; in addition, the data has been manually inspected for integrity.

The writers for the experiment have been selected from both the SUNY/Buffalo community and the general population. Announcements were posted, and volunteers were asked to take a brief competency test (checking for minimal levels of writing, spelling, and listening skills) to determine if they were suitable for the experiment.

Phase 1: Sentence/Phrase Data Collected on Opaque Tablet

Phase 1 data has been collected using a Wacom SD-311 tablet. It has a surface area of 12x18 inches and an electrostatic surface to hold the paper in position. A UNIX-based device driver was written at CEDAR for this and was employed in the data collection. Based on the tablet characteristics and the device driver, we are obtaining a sampling rate of 100 points per second, with a resolution of 50 points per millimeter. The pen provides pen-up and pen-down information along with the x,y coordinates.

Each writer wrote three to four passages, containing approximately 15 sentences each. The passage is introduced by a short paragraph which provides some context for the sentences which follow. After having read the introductory paragraph, the writer employed an interactive program which controlled the data collection process. The program played the sentences of the passage on a pair of headphones. After each sentence, it prompted the writer to write the sentence on the tablet. The writer could replay and rewrite the sentence until he or she was satisfied that it had been written correctly (i.e. no missing or incorrect words). Then the sentence was saved, and the program played the next sentence.

We feel that there are two advantages in having the sentences dictated to the writers, rather than asking the writers to transcribe written material. The flow of the writing is more natural when the writer is transcribing speech, because there is no reason to stop in the middle of a sentence. Also, if the writers were presented with a written copy of the sentences, they would be biased to write in a particular style. With spoken sentences, this is not a problem.

The data for Phase 1 resides in three directories: ced0, ced1 and ced2. They can be characterized as follows:

This contains 347 sentences comprised of 3,348 words and 13,734 characters. The data has been segmented and truthed at both the word and character level. This data was delivered to the UNIPEN consortium in October '94 as part of their data gathering effort. It is included here for completeness.
This contains 1439 sentences comprised of 14,013 words and 57,835 characters. This data has been segmented and truthed at both the word and character level.
This contains 4327 sentences comprised of 41,252 words and 169,524 characters. This data has been segmented and truthed at the word level only.

Description of Contents

We are using a total of twelve passages, selected from a variety of different genres of text. The passages reflect many different types of English usage (e.g. business, legal, scientific, informal). In choosing the sentences, we have tried to ensure adequate punctuation and letter frequencies. We have also made the sentences short enough that the average writer should be able to remember the entire sentence on the first hearing.

This data has been collected using the digitizing tablet. The topics of the twelve passages are listed below:

  1. A shopping list.
  2. A legal document.
  3. A newspaper press release.
  4. Directions for driving from one place to another.
  5. A doctor's notes.
  6. A memo from a high school teacher to the principal.
  7. A movie review.
  8. A sports coach's notes.
  9. Informal writing in the style of e-mail messages.
  10. A memo regarding scheduling meetings.
  11. An insurance report.
  12. A personal letter.

Lexicon Characteristics

The lexicon represents those words contained in the text passages and consists of 877 unique words. The words are common English words along with proper nouns. The most frequently used words (the top 100) in English are well represented. Although efforts were made to include as many occurrences of low frequency characters as possible, there is still a disproportionate ratio between the most frequently used and least frequently used character. This problem has been addressed in Phase 2 data.

The following ASCII characters are represented in the text data: both the upper and lower case letters of the alphabet, the digits 0 through 9, and punctuation including `` . , : $%" ( ) ' - ''.

Phase 2: Isolated Word and Address Data Collected on Integrated Writing/Display Device

Phase 2 data has been collected using a Wacom PL-100V, which is an integrated device which includes a digitizer and LCD display. This has been interfaced with a PC workstation. The maximum sampling rate of this device is 205 points per second. It was used in conjunction with the Ultrapen 201 which provides pressure coordinates in addition to pen-up and pen-down.

The motivation for collecting Phase 2 data was to meet the requirements of researchers working on handwriting recognition for small, portable PDA devices. Since the screens tend to be small, users typically write a few words, not entire sentences. Hence, the data that was collected was primarily isolated word data (as opposed to sentence/phrase data). We also collected a significant number of postal addresses.

Supervised Isolated Word Data

In this experiment, users were asked to transcribe 44 English words along with 9 equations comprising the alphanumeric and common punctuation character set. Users wrote these words in combs thereby facilitating character level truthing. The words were chosen such that 132 writers transcribing this set would yield:

It should be noted that natural English has a very lopsided ratio between the most frequently used character and least frequently used character. Therefore, the words were chosen carefully to balance out this ratio as far as possible. The final database contains far more truthed instances of alphanumerics than the 500 minimum that has been enforced in this experiment.

This data is contained in the subdirectory ced3.

Unsupervised Isolated Word Data

In this experiment, users were asked to write several words chosen sequentially from a large, shuffled dictionary. Rather than using combs, boxes containing a horizontal rule were provided in which to write the words. The purpose was to maximize the number of unique words in the data. No special attention was given to character frequencies for this experiment. Based on 95 writers, we have collected approximately 27,000 words of data. The number of unique words is 9,840 for this dataset. Only word level truthing/segmentation is available for this data.

This data is contained in the subdirectory ced4.

Address Data

Finally, in this experiment, users were asked to write legal U.S. postal addresses including names and zipcodes. Users had an option of (i) supplying the addreses themselves or (ii) transcribing addresses selected randomly from a postal database. Users were asked to write the addresses in three boxes corresponding to the name, street addresse, and city-state-zipcode portions of the address. We were able to collect 1426 addresses comprising 14,140 words and 57,453 characters from 95 writers. This data has been segmented at the word level; no character level truthing has been provided.

This data is contained in the subdirectory ced5.

Note: for privacy reasons, the name should be blocked out in papers, technical reports, etc.

Project Sponsored By:
Linguistic Data Consortium
441 Williams Hall, University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305