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Handwriting Recognition Language Models

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  1. Srihari, R.K., C. Ng, C. Baltus and J. Kud, Use of Language models in On-line Recognition of Handwritten Sentences, in Proceedings of Third International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Buffalo, NY, May 1993, pp. 284-294.

  2. Srihari, R.K., and C. Baltus, Incorporating syntactic constraints in recognizing handwritten sentences, in Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-93), Chambery, France, August 1993, pp. 1262-1267.

  3. Srihari, R.K., Use of lexical and syntactic constraints in recognizing handwritten sentences, in Proceedings of the ARPA workshop on Human Language Technology, March 1994, Princeton, NJ, pp. 403-407.

  4. Seni, G., N. Nasrabadi and R.K. Srihari, An On-line Cursive Word Recognition System, in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Seattle, WA, June 1994, pp. 404-410.

  5. Govindaraju, V., R.K. Srihari and S.N. Srihari, Handwritten Text Recognition, in Proceedings of IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, Kaiserlautern, Germany, October 1994, pp. 157-171.

  6. Seni, G. and R.K. Srihari, A Hierarchical Approach to On-Line Script Recognition Using a Large Vocabulary, in Proceedings of Fourth International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (IWFHR IV), Taipei, Taiwan, December 1994, pp. 472-479.

  7. Seni, G., V. Kripasundar and R.K. Srihari, Generalizing edit distance for handwritten text recognition, in Proceedings of SPIE/IS&T Conference on Document Recognition, San Jose, CA, Feb. 5-10, 1995, pp. 54-65.

  8. Srihari, S.N., and R.K. Srihari, Written Language Recognition, in Survey of Human Language Technology (Ronald A Cole, Joseph Mariani, Hans Uszkoreit, Annie Azenen, and Victor Zue, eds.), in press.

  9. Seni, G., V. Kripasundar and R.K. Srihari, Generalizing edit distance to incorporate domain information: handwritten text recognition as a case study, in Pattern Recognition, accepted.

  10. Seni, G., R.K. Srihari, N. Nasrabadi, Large Vocabulary Recognition of On-Line Handwritten Cursive Words, in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Inteligence (PAMI), accepted.

Bibliographic Remarks

Written language presents several interesting challenges to effective recognition. The overview paper Written Language Recognition describes these challenges and the linguistic approaches necessary. While techniques developed in this project are demonstrated for handwriting, they will also be applicable to domains like speech, since all unconstrained sources share features like sentence fragments and ungrammatical language.

The project involves the development of an online recognizer, and a linguistic module that will utilize the contextual information to improve upon the results of the recognizer. The On-Line Cursive Word Recognition System developed at CEDAR is a neural network-based system that learns cursive writing.

The recognizer's output is a list of word-choices (with associated confidence-values) for each word position in the input. The linguistic module works on these word-choices (which form a trellis), and use contextual information, such as part-of-speech (POS) context, to re-rank, delete or even suggest choices. Eventually, the linguistic module will provide feedback to the recognizer, e.g., suggesting that a part of a sentence is a calendar date, and not a dictionary word. Preliminary results from the syntax module of the system have been reported in our paper on Incorporating Syntactic Constraints in Recognizing Handwritten Sentences.

The paper "Use of lexical and syntactic techniques in recognizing handwritten text" summarizes the status of the project at its mid-point.

We have identified a hierarchy of linguistic contexts, and plan to integrate the information from the different levels of the context hierarchy to obtain a contextual post-processor that has psycho-linguistic validity.