Rohini K. Srihari,
Use of Captions and other Collateral Text in Understanding Photos,
Artificial Intelligence Review,
special issue on Integrating Language and Vision,
8:409-430, 1994-95.
Rohini K. Srihari,
Computational Models for Integrating Linguistic and Visual Information: A Survey,
Artificial Intelligence Review,
special issue on Integrating Language and Vision,
8:349-369, 1994-95.
Rohini K. Srihari,
Content-Based retrieval of captioned images,
Proceedings IS&T/SPIE's
Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science & Technology,
San Jose, California, February 1995, p.217.
Rohini K. Srihari,
Automatic Indexing and Content-Based Retrieval of Captioned Images,
IEEE Computer Society, September 1995, pp.49-56, vol.28(9);
special issue:
Finding the Right Image -- Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems.