Postal Address Reading in Real Time

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  ° image analysis hardware

      · fax decompression

      · image enhancement

      · object contour tracing

  ° software

      · knitting

      · address block location

        ° chain code conversion

        ° block segmentation

        ° segment refinement

        ° print discrimination

        ° block ranking

        ° block combination

      · contour filter

      · hwai

        ° line separation

        ° digit/punctuation id

        ° word separation

        ° parsing

        ° ZIP segmentation

        ° database queries

        ° word recognition



Digit/Punctuation Identification

The main difficulty with reading handwritten text is segmenting words into characters. The digit/punctuation module was developed to read as many isolated characters as possible, then classify each component as a digit, dash, comma or hat (as in the top stroke in a five), which identifies a component that may have more than one classification. If a component falls within the expected size and properties for a typical digit, then the component is normalized to 16 pixels by 16 pixels in size. Each of the recognition features extracted is based on whether a particular pixel or pair of pixels are within this grid. Currently 1240 features are used (168 unary features and 1072 binary features) and classified using a polynomial digit (10 class) recognizer[9]. If a component is recognized as a digit with low confidence, then the digit recognition results are discarded and the component is classified as a non-digit.

This module also attempts to determine if a component could be a dash, comma, or hat based on its size and shape, as well as on its spatial relationship with respect to other information on the text line. If a component is recognized as a hat, then under some circumstances, the hat and its previous character (combined) are re-recognized in order to merge the hat with its base component.