Postal Address Reading in Real Time

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  ° image analysis hardware

      · fax decompression

      · image enhancement

      · object contour tracing

  ° software

      · knitting

      · address block location

        ° chain code conversion

        ° block segmentation

        ° segment refinement

        ° print discrimination

        ° block ranking

        ° block combination

      · contour filter

      · hwai

        ° line separation

        ° digit/punctuation id

        ° word separation

        ° parsing

        ° ZIP segmentation

        ° database queries

        ° word recognition



Database Queries

Once the ZIP Code and primary number (e.g. street number, PO Box number) fields have been segmented and the digits recognized, a USPS database is queried to determine all possible street names for the ZIP Code/Primary Number pair. The database used is the USPS Delivery Point File (DPF), which contains a record for every delivery point in the United Stated, including PO Boxes, and Rural Routes.

The April 1992 version of the delivery information had over 113 million delivery point records, and over 132 million records in March 1995. To quickly access this database and minimize storage requirements, it has been compressed from 11.6 Gigabytes as provided by the USPS to 228 Megabytes, which results in a query time of approximately 1 to 2 ms per query when accessed from memory[7]. In the RCR system, the DPF database resides in global shared memory independent of each application processor but accessible over the VMEbus. Using this "global" memory reduces the memory requirements for each general-purpose application processors.