Image Enhancement
For the RCR images, many of the character
strokes are broken because of either poor image capture or poor image
thresholding. To improve the performance of the system on these
images, a stroke grouping operation needed to be performed.
A convolution filter has been designed to enhance the bitonal images output
by the FAX board, before passing them on to the Object Contour Tracer boards.
The filter is a 5 x 5 convolution that will turn the center pixel on (make the
center pixel a foreground pixel) if the input 5 x 5 pixel matrix has any of the
following properties:
- The center pixel is on.
- Any three pixels in the northwest-southeast diagonal are on.
- Any three pixels in the northeast-southwest diagonal are on.
- Any three pixels in the center vertical line are on.
- Any three pixels in the center horizontal line are on.
To retain the flexibility to experiment with various background
removal techniques, an implementation with off-the-shelf Datacube
boards has been developed.
A new version of the Image Enhancement module is being implemented in
custom hardware to reduce the board count for this module from 3 to 1.
This new design also utilizes a parallel pixel communication bus
between boards. That is, 1, 2, or 4 pixels can simultaneously be
transferred between boards and therefore, the system throughput can be