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During the parsing process, up to 3 ZIP Code candidates are produced. If the candidates are recognized as containing 5 or 9 isolated digits, then no segmentation is required. If not, then the ZIP Code undergoes force segmentation, and the resulting digits are re-recognized using a k-nearest neighbor digit recognizer.
As a preprocessor to forced segmentation, several noise removal and component grouping operations are performed. The polynomial digit recognizer (described in Digit/Punctuation Identification section earlier) is also used to verify that the grouping operation produced valid digits. Based on the number of digits expected in the ZIP Code (using word length) and the number of grouped characters that are recognized as digits with high confidence, a determination is made on the possible number of touching digits and which components may need to be forcibly split. The average width of characters is used to estimate a "zone" in which forced segmentation should be performed. After segmentation, all digits in the primary number (e.g. street numbers), PO Box number and ZIP Code are rerecognized using the more accurate but slower k-nearest neighbor recognizer.